26 April 2024

profit growth image of man

Psychological Pricing Strategies that can Save Your Business

Psycological Pricing Strategies that can Save Your Business Nothing is more important when running a successful business than pricing your products accurately. Most business leaders are already examining the maths, costs and business considerations behind pricing, but there is also an entirely separate consideration which needs to be taken into account – human psychology.Human psychology

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man crying about budget

What to do when you have a Budget Shortfall

What you can do if you have a Budget Shortfall Government’s approach to balance this year’s National Budget 2024 shortfall of R15 billion didn’t set a positive example for South African individuals and businesses that face the same economic challenges but are, unlike government, unable to side-step spending cuts by squeezing taxpayers and tapping into national reserves. 

What to do when you have a Budget Shortfall Read More »

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